Bazie Setu (Haramaya University, Ethiopia) was awarded £1,100 to undertake training at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia on phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of plant extracts. At the time he was carrying out masters-level study and as of 2019 he has now completed PhD research on the “Integrated management of post harvest Banana Anthracnose through plant extracts and hot water treatment”. Post harvest anthracnose is a serious problem in Ethiopia, often causing extensive losses in harvested fruit.
Nkeh Zita Ngwenyi (University of Dschang, Cameroon) was awarded £2,357 to undertake training in aqauaculture at the Cameroon Government fish station at Ku-Bome. This training is part of a PhD being undertaken on “The potential of periphyton-based aquaculture technology on the production of Tilapia in north west Cameroon”.