Robert Mwerera, a student at the Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda received a grant of £1,981 to undertake an evaluation of agro-ecological techniques of micro-fertilization in dryland areas; whether these techniques have the potential of improving the livelihood of farmers living in extreme poverty and at the same time insuring the conservation of soil nutrients for future harvests.
Patrick Oruka, a student at the Ugand Martyrs University in Kamapa, Uganda received a grant of £2,200 to assess tha wetland use patterns or practices on the livelihoods of people living around the wetlands in Gweri, Soroti District in Uganda.
Huy Sokchea, a student at the Can Tho University in Cambodia, received a grant to undertake training on the effects of biochar on soil fertility, using rice as an indicator species.